The Association of Friends of Heritage Laredo are in luck because today, 11 July 2014, is published in the Official Bulletin of Cantabria, the declaration of the Battle of Flowers as a Site of Local Interest immaterial. Since there may be some confusion with the differences between the different categories of assets, we will try to clarify the differences between them reviewing legislation on Equity. Stand out, however, that any statement is important because it involves the recognition and ensures protection for conservation.
The law 11/1998 on the Cultural Heritage of Cantabria is the legal framework for the dissemination and preservation of our heritage. This Act sets the rules on equity dictated Constitution 1978 and the law 16 of 1985 Historical Heritage of Spain.
Article 46 the constitutional text is that public authorities will be responsible for ensuring the conservation, promotion and enrichment of the historical, cultural and artistic heritage of the peoples of Spain and goods that compose it and later says that the regions which will assume the responsibility for Cultural Heritage, understood in its broadest sense.

The Spanish Heritage Act of 1985 establishes a new definition of Historic and significantly expands its extension. In it are included the real and personal property that constitute and, although phrased in the modern term Cultural Heritage but traditional does not appear Heritage, develops the concept of a Cultural extending the movable and immovable property. Additional provision repealing previous laws and declares that the goods have been declared prior art historical or listed on the Inventory of Heritage and Archaeological Art Spain, happen to have consideration and called Cultural Interest, This is the case of the Church of Santa Maria Assunta in Laredo, declared as monument 1931 Puebla Vieja and declared a historic-artistic in 1970.

The Law on Cultural Heritage of Cantabria 1998 's main purpose is to defend the, protect and conserve this heritage for present and future generations of citizens to enjoy now and in the future of an ancestral heritage that has shaped through the various stages of history to Cantabria. This law classifies goods under the Cultural Heritage of Cantabria in three categories:
a) Cultural Interest. Statement of cultural interest may reach those property, movable or intangible qualities that define their specific themselves highlight an aspect of the culture of Cantabria.
b) Well Well Listed or Local Interest. They may attain the designation of Cultural Assets of Local Interest or those Categorized Real Property, movable or intangible that, without enjoying 'a priori' in defining the relevance of Cultural Interest, define for themselves a prominent aspect of the cultural identity of a city or municipality.
c) Well Inventoried. In addition to the Cultural Interest and Cultural Assets of Local Interest also part of the Cultural Heritage of Cantabria all who movable, and intangible property constituting landmarks culture of Cantabria and, without being included above, deserve to be preserved.

For the purposes of this Act and without prejudice to its inclusion or not any of the above categories, any member of the Cultural Heritage of Cantabria well may be classified as:
a) Property with the Monument category, Historical Complex, Place the Archaeological Zone Cultural Natural Place.
b) Furniture.
c) Intangible.

Finally, Decree 22 of Cantabria 2001, develop the rule of law regarding the need for the General Register of Cultural Interest, the General Catalogue of Goods of Local Interest and the General Inventory of Cultural Heritage of Cantabria.

The town of Laredo has, until now, stated the following capital assets and, thus, protected by law:
Cultural Interest:
Church of Santa Maria Assunta (Monument) 3/6/1931
Puebla Old Laredo (Historical Complex) 3/12/1970
El Fuerte Raking (Historical Complex) BOC 14/11/2011
Goods of Local Interest:
Ermita de San Martín and Santa Catalina (Monument) BOC 19/7/2013
Battle of Flowers (Intangible) BOC 11/7/2014
Real Inventoried:
Building Food Market BOC 30/7/2001
Proceedings initiated as a Cultural:
Defining the Camino de Santiago Coast, passing through Cantabria and delimitation of the same protective environment (Extraordinary) BOC 11/9/2013.