Laredo and its environment are themselves, an area that holds a large number of real cultural and heritage attractions, not only in terms of architectural and urban elements but also environmental type, the ethnographic landscape. Aware of it and its unique social equity and a group of citizens formed the town of Laredo FRIENDS ASSOCIATION LAW OF LAREDO.

An open membership and cultural nonprofit organization that has among its objectives,"foment,,es,& nbsp; assuming as a priority civic duty cooperation with other organizations that pursue similar purposes »,,es,Blog «Nostalhias Pejinas»,,mg, collect and disseminate knowledge of the historical roots of the town of Laredo and its surrounding geographical area, and the conservation and protection of its heritage, cultural, artistic, monumental, architectural,archaeological and documentary, in the broadest sense of its manifestations, mainly historical level, natural and scenic,  asumiendo como un deber cívico prioritario la cooperación con otras organizaciones que persigan fines similares». Preservation and enhancement task to which we invite you to join forces, as we are aware that, all, bar none, We have to find ourselves involved.

  Blog «Nostalhias Pejinas» / Rufo Francisco Spanish Historical Heritage Centre
Institute of Cultural Heritage of Spain World Digital Library Heritage Magazine
Cultural Factory Canal Heritage Heritage
Heritage Heritage (WikiPedia) Hispania Nostra
Heritage Cities of Mankind Spanish Association of Friends of the Castles Historic Houses Trust and Unique
Ministry of Housing Ministry of Culture Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports of Cantabria
Documentary Cultural Heritage Portal Spanish Association for Heritage Management Saving Heritage