WE HAVE STARTED,,es,OUR NEW COMPETITION ON THE PUEBLA OLD YOUNG AIMED AT OUR VILLA,,es,V CONTEST "DISCOVER THE OLD PUEBLA",,es,Friends of Heritage Association of Laredo announces the V Contest "Meet the Puebla Vieja" aimed at young people in Laredo with the aim of raising awareness of the cultural heritage of the town and especially the Puebla Vieja,,es,November teams qualified for the final competition will be published,,es,with the collaboration of ACELAR,,es, DE NUEVO NUESTRO CONCURSO SOBRE LA PUEBLA VIEJA DIRIGIDO A LOS JOVENES DE NUESTRA VILLA.
La Asociación Amigos del Patrimonio de Laredo convoca el V Concurso “Conoce la Puebla Vieja” dirigido a los jóvenes de Laredo con el objetivo de dar a conocer el patrimonio cultural del municipio y especialmente de la Puebla Vieja. We want this knowledge of our heritage is made by young people themselves research team a series of questions they will be formulated during the contest, may be involved in the search for answers to classmates, family, teachers, ...
all those students who are studying for the course may participate 2017-18, Secondary Education (THAT), Professional Training School or any of the IES. the municipality of Laredo.
Participation in the contest will be in teams of three members and involves the full acceptance of its rules and the final decision of the evaluation committee, which has the duty to resolve any contingency not covered by this call.
Registration of contestants will be made through email to the Association: patrimoniolaredo before 8 November 2017 and they must provide the following data:
– group name
– Name of the three members of the group
– Center, course and group they belong
– Email address of contact for sending questions
The competition will consist of four phases that will be developed throughout the month of November and will end on 3 de diciembre, Hug day of the Puebla Vieja.
Each team must answer a battery 5 questions about the Puebla Vieja and cultural heritage of Laredo. It will have a week to get the answers and send them to the website of the Association. Will qualify for the next stage those teams who answer correctly, at least, a 4 of the 5 questions.
Over three weeks, the classified teams will respond to questions. The first phase will begin the day 9 November they were sent first 5 questions, which they must be answered before day 15. The second phase will begin the day 16 and end on 22; and the third phase will take place between 23 and he 29 of November. The day 30 de noviembre se publicarán los equipos clasificados para la fase final del concurso.
The finals will be held on 3 December and will consist of 5 questions to be delivered, on that morning, ranked teams, in the Plaza de la Constitution 1812 (Old Town Hall). The winning teams will be those who deliver the whole of the correct answers in the shortest time.
Awards (con la colaboración de ACELAR):
1º. Lot of books and gift voucher Association of 300 euros.
2º. Lot of books and gift voucher Association of 225 euros.
3º. Lot of books and gift voucher Association of 150 euros.
4º. Lot of books and gift voucher Association of 105 euros.
5º. Lot of books and gift voucher Association of 75 euros.

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