Results of the XIV Outdoor Painting Contest,es

First prize,es,Jokin Tellería de Guipuzcoa Second Prize,es,Pedro Alfonso Méndez,es,from Madrid Third Prize,es,,es,of Colindres Accésit,es,Oliver Jurado,es,of Laredo Infantil,ca,Indigo Solans García de Cantabria: Jokin Tellería de Guipuzcoa Segundo premio: Pedro Alfonso Méndez, de Madrid Tercer premio: Olga Santisteban, de Colindres Accésit: Oliver Jurado, de Laredo Infantil: Índigo Solans García de Cantabria

GALENA DEK GLORIA SATURDAY,pt,Provincial Historical Archive of Cantabria,es,Document of the month,es,Galorian Gallena de Gloria,es,Santander's most tragic story is marked from events that last in the memory of its people,es,like the city's fire in,es,the explosion of Machichaco and without a doubt for the impact of the numerous deaths of fishermen the morning of the,es,April of,es,Holy Saturday holiday,es,That was a tragedy that however not only affected the Cantabrian capital,es,Laredo fishermen,es,Castro,en,They lost their lives that unfortunate day,es,As reported in "La Voz Montañesa",es,A newspaper of the time,es,They left Santander around five in the morning twenty -three major boats,es

Archivo Histórico Provincial de Cantabria   ·  DOCUMENTO DEL MES: GALERNA DEL SÁBADO DE GLORIA La historia más trágica de Santander está jalonada de acontecimientos que perduran en la memoria de sus gentes, como el incendio de la ciudad en 1941,…


Hemos hecho entrega al Ayuntamiento de l álbum que el Ayuntamiento de Laredo, entregó como homenaje a D. Francisco Paisan Gómez,es,Dr. Paisán Gómez was born in Laredo,es,obtaining the degree of Medicine in,es- El doctor Paisán Gómez nació en Laredo el 4 de octubre de 1869, obteniendo la licenciatura de medicina en…

Joaquin Rucoba Route Plaza,ca,Tinuca,co,Joaquin de Rucoba,ca,In these days when the concern of the laredans is overturned in the building of the Plaza de,es,THE SOURCE OF THE CORDERA,es,Laredo in my mirror »Maximino Basoa Ojeda,es,The first artifice that adorned the exit of water in the public square,es,November San Martín Cofradía Laredana,es,San Martin Brotherhood,es,Laredo in my mirror,es,Maximino forest,eu,The sailor forms,es,From time immemorial a council or brotherhood,es,December of,es,Declaration of the old Puebla de Laredo as a monumental historical set,es


In these days when the concern of the Laredos is overturned in the building of the Plaza de Abastos,es,A little history about one of our distinguished laredans,es,Joaquín de Rucoba and author of the first project for the building,es,Its design was carried out in Malaga in the Atarazanas market,es, un poco de historia sobre uno de nuestros insignes laredanos, Joaquín de Rucoba y autor del primer proyecto para


Laredo en mi espejo» Maximino Basoa Ojeda, 1936El primer artificio que adornó la salida del agua en la plaza pública fue el aparato de cuatro caños que existe hoy en el lugar donde estaba la casa y torre de Vélez-Cahupin,…

Richard H,en,Driehaus Architecture Competition,en. Driehaus Architecture Competition

· CONTEST | Está abierta la primera fase del Concurso de Arquitectura Richard H. Driehaus 2022-2024.In this first phase possible topics and locations for this contest are sought,es,To do this, the Spanish municipalities are encouraged to present proposals. An international jury in which the different institutions that collaborate in this initiative will choose will be represented,es,Among the proposals presented,es,the three that best fit the objectives set. Interested municipalities must contribute,es,Before the day,es,The required documentation can find more information in this link,es,https,en,,en; For this, Spanish municipalities are encouraged to present proposals. A,es…