various activities

Mar 22 11:30 - IES Torres Quevedo (Cazoña). Conference "The Olympic Games" by Pablo Galán,,es,Francis Ford Coppola film series «Legitimate defense»,,es,Conference »,,es.
Mar 22 18:30 - Central Library. Ciclo cine Francis Ford Coppola «Legítima defensa”.
Mar 22 19:30 - Instituto Santa Clara. Conference »The current social and functional space of the burning area» by the Professor of Human Geography,,es,Itinerary “The fire route”,,es,Francis Ford Coppola cine cycle «Bram Stocker Dracula»,,pt,Talk "The Olympic Games" by Pablo Galán,,es,Conference «Shellfish in the surroundings of the Bay of Santander and other collecting resources today»,,es,Conference «In the year Torres Quevedo,,es,The conquest of the air »,,es,The exhibition «Leonardo Rucabado and the culture of his time» continues,,es, Pedro Reques
My 23 11:00 - In Cadiz Street next to the wall of the Cathedral. Itinerario “La ruta del incendio».
My 23 18:30 - Central Library. Ciclo cine Francis Ford Coppola «Drácula de Bram Stocker”.
My 23 19:30 - Public School Quiros (cóbreces). Charla «Los Juegos Olímpicos” a cargo de Pablo Galán.
My 23 20:00 – Conservart, c / Up 83, Cueto. Conferencia «El marisqueo en el entorno de la Bahía de Santander y otros recursos recolectores en la actualidad», by the marine biologist and director of the Maritime Museum of Cantabria, Gerardo García-Castrillo.
My 23 20:00 – AULA "La Esperanza", ground floor MARKET OF HOPE Near Pescadería, Conference "Experiences of a Spaniard researcher in Antarctica" by the MARINE BIOLOGIST, Mariano de la Lastra Valdor
Sat. 26 19:30 – Gil library, Plaza Pombo. Conferencia «En el año Torres Quevedo 2016, La conquista del aire», by Professor Francis A. González Redondo.
central Library; Continúa la exposición «Leonardo Rucabado y la cultura de su tiempo», until the 30 de abril.

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