THE FRIENDS OF HERITAGE ASSOCIATION OF LAREDO, convenes the 7th Outdoor Rapid Painting Contest,,es,in order to create the Great Painting Prize "PUEBLA VIEJA,,es, con el fin de crear el Gran Premio de Pintura “PUEBLA VIEJA DE LAREDO” con las siguientes BASES

They may attend this event all those who wish, except those who have been removed and / or punished for breach of these rules, Plagiarism or any other crime that affects the dynamics of the contest, may submit up to two works.

For this, must register with THE SITE OF THE FRIENDS OF HERITAGE ASSOCIATION OF LAREDO, located at c / Siege of Seville No. 1 day 1 July 2018 a partir de las 9.30 until 11 am, where sealing canvases or supports are made, to be presented in black and without any sketch, marca o fondo previo.

THE TOPIC will refer to the PUEBLA VIEJA or any other element or aspect of the historical-artistic heritage of the Villa de Laredo,,es,cms & nbsp; Being the minimum of,,es,afternoon hours. Until that hour,,es,ª The following prizes will be established,,es,PRIZE,,es,º AWARDS,,it,O,,pt,THE JURY shall be composed of persons designated by the organization,,es,º OUTDOOR PAINTING COMPETITION "PUEBLA VIEJA DE LAREDO,,es. The seal will be given a map delineating the area. To carry out this work will not be accepted photographs, or notes made days before.

The style and technique will be free and the subject forced open spaces of Puebla Vieja and the environment, landscapes, buildings, Streets and squares. The site will be free choice. Participants can not do its job, either totally or partially, study, or bring previously executed. The jury may require verification to ensure compliance with these criteria. Each participant will be provided with all materials you might need to perform their jobs.

The dimensions of the canvas will be of a maximum size not exceeding 120 cms  Siendo la mínima de 55 cms. STAND is rigid (if paper should be submitted with the corresponding rack or panel).

At 10.00 morning, Participants will come to the area of ​​competition. At about noon, will be given a bag of food collected at the headquarters.

The contest will begin at 10.00 hours, until 17.00 horas de la tarde.Hasta esa hora, works may be submitted at the table of the organizing committee, located at the headquarters of the Association, not entering the competition you submitted after the time indicated.

The jury, which will be final, It will be made public from the 19.00 hours at the headquarters of the Association. Once delivered the prizes, Exhibit Hall opens, where you can watch all the short films. The organization is not responsible for any damage or loss that may occur during the development works of the contest and the exhibition of the same is.

The exhibition can be visited in the morning 12 a 13.30 y por las tardes de 19 a 21.00 hours. 10ª Se establecerán los siguiente premios:

PREMIO: 600€ lote de publicaciones de PATRIMONIO DE LAREDO

2º PREMIO: 500€ lote de publicaciones de PATRIMONIO DE LAREDO

3º PREMIO: 400€ lote de publicaciones de PATRIMONIO DE LAREDO

SECOND PRIZE: for local artist, 100€ que no haya sido premiado, y lote de publicaciones de PATRIMONIO DE LAREDO.

Premio menores de 14 years old

1º Estuche de Bellas Artes, Bloc de dibujo, Estuche de la Panchonera

2Lot No. artistic material, The game Panchonera

3Lot No. artistic material, The game Panchonera

11ª The jury reserves the right to declare the contest or any prize. Si una vez emitido el fallo, the jury finds that in that event there are any anomalies, such verdict may be revised.

12ª The winning works will be held by the Association of Friends of Heritage Laredo. The rest may be removed once the exposure, day 15 July 2018 .After this time, works not withdrawn by their authors or representatives, shall be held by the Association of Friends of Heritage Laredo, who will decide the fate of the same. Prior to the removal of works, the authors or representatives shall contact the host association over the phone 669 557440 to set day and time.

13ª EL JURADO estará compuesto por personas designadas por la organización.

14ª Taking part in the competition implies acceptance of these rules, they are subjected to any modification of the Organizing Committee, must go public before or during the competition.


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